第一場 9月16日(三)13:00~14:23 播映影片:《給安娜的信》
紀錄片雙年展精華影片 Highlights of 2009TIDF |
給安娜的信 Letter to Anna |
艾力克.柏格洛 Eric Bergkraut |
瑞士Switzerland / 2008 / Video / Color / 中英字幕/83' |
安娜‧波麗特柯夫斯卡雅身為俄國記者,卻以對祖國入侵車臣的坦率深入報導,贏得舉世尊敬,並讓她成為領導人普丁的眼中釘。曾在飛機上險遭毒害,2006年10月7日,她在莫斯科寓所遭殺手槍擊身亡。本片請來蘇珊‧莎蘭登旁白,重現安娜生前的珍貴影像,並走訪她的子女、前夫、同事、甚至俄國前情報官員,抽絲剝繭一名女子對抗整個不義政府的偉大戰役。 |
On October 7, 2006, Vladimir Putin`s 54th birthday, the journalist Anna Politkovskaja is shot in the lift of her Moscow home. Anna`s death is a personal tragedy: she has just learnt that she is to become a grandmother. But the murder is also a political act, for Politkovskaja was the President`s fiercest critic. Why was she shot in cold blood? |
2008台灣國際紀錄片雙年展國際競賽長片優等獎 |
「我本來想拍一部完全不一樣的電影:關於不同文化背景的人如何選擇夥伴,以及所謂的自由選擇並不一定會帶來幸福。然後我聽到了波麗特柯夫斯卡雅的遇害消息,想起我還有許多訪問她的畫面,我們有些對話十分地坦承。坦白說,我不會一面倒的認為她所做的都對,畢竟人非聖賢,但她尋求真理、自我批判的態度令我印象深刻。她遇害的來龍去脈應該讓全世界都知道。」─艾力克.柏格洛 |
「I actually wanted to make a completely different film - about how partners choose each other in different cultural backgrounds and why our so-called freedom of choice does not always bring about happiness. Then... I heard about Politkovskaya`s death and immediately thought about the recordings I still had in which she featured. Some of our conversations were very personal. At first I fought against it, but ultimately I had no choice and it soon became imperative for me to make Letter to Anna. I have to say that I don`t think Politkovskaya was always right. She was human and therefore fallible. But I do have the impression that she always strove for the truth. My memories of Anna are of an elegant woman, discerning and self-critical. She deserves to have the background to her murder brought into the open.」- Eric Bergktraut |
艾力克‧柏格洛 1957年出生於巴黎,四歲時舉家搬到瑞士,1977-1980年他於蘇黎世表演學院求學,隨後在德國、瑞士和法國的劇場、電視、電影擔任演員。他從1999年開始從事報導,1992年起至今已拍攝多部紀錄片。 |
Eric Bergktraut was born in Paris,1957.When he was four years old, his family moved to Switzerland. From 1977 to 1980,he studied at the Acting Academy of Zurich ; then he worked as on actor in theater,TV and film in Germany,Switzerland and France. Since 1992,he has made numerous documentary films. |
第一場 9月16日(三)13:00~14:23 播映影片:《給安娜的信》
第二場 9月23日(三)13:00~14:22 播映影片:《墨瓜尼加合眾國》
第三場 9月30日(三)13:00~13:57 播映影片:《等待美麗新世界》
第四場 10月7日(三)13:00~14:00 播映影片:《鳥地方狗日子》、《燃燒吧!機車》
第五場 10月14日(三)13:00~13:57
播映影片:《THE PET》、《棋局》、《人.旅》、《彼岸》、《噯呀》、《化夢》
第六場 10月21日(三)13:00~13:56 播映影片:《寬のVIP專車》、《無障礙》